Sunday 30 August 2015

ADAM'S CALENDAR and the 200,000 year old African gold mining.

Ancient Technology Uses Sound Conducting Through Rock To Mine For Gold

Michael Tellinger is a scientist, explorer and internationally acclaimed author who has become an authority on the origins of humankind and the vanished civilizations of southern Africa.

Scholars have told us that the first civilisation on Earth emerged in a land called Sumer some 6000 years ago. New archaeological and scientific discoveries made by Michael Tellinger, and a team of leading scientists, show that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier civilization that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago... mining gold.

Michael Tellinger presents just some of the startling scientific evidence that led to his groundbreaking discoveries and conclusions. He further suggests how we can learn from those early humans in our search for peace and a harmonious, unified world, with abundance for all.

Saturday 8 August 2015

PERSONAL ACCOUNTS - "Alpha One grid sighting" Vancouver Island

Sent in by 'Alpha One'

"First I see something that looks like a shooting star. But it had white at the front, brown and orange in the middle, and flames coming out the back. It was a triangle shape. Left a huge streak of smoke across the sky. It was going so fast. And it didn't enter the atmosphere it kept going around, I saw it for a long time.

Then about eight individual lights all came out of nowhere and crossed each other making a grid in one part of the sky. Then an individual blinking light played mind games with me. When I literally said out loud "OK what the fuck is that?" It all disappeared. didn't burn up, it sped up and kept going. It seemed like it started going faster after it passed by. The grid was like stars came to life and crisscrossed, ending it perfect unison. They went so fast that they left trails of light behind them for a short moment. Just long enough to see the grid. Never seen anything like it.

The blinking light is similar to other experiences I've had. It looked like a satellite. It was way out in space. But it would blink erratically to get my attention. As soon as I would set my gaze on it, it would begin to blink with rhythm. Then disappear, and reappear erratically sparking in another part of the sky. What caught my attention was that it would switch back again to a steady rhythm, didn't fall off course. And it would only move when I wasn't looking at it."


This is an interesting one

PERSONAL ACCOUNTS - Manitoba Forest Probe

Sent in by `Wolfpack`

`So, I  went and lived in the forest in Manitoba for awhile. My friend and I drove there, she dropped me off and we made a date and time to meet back to go home.

I was hours into the forest with the dogs by the time I found a camp spot. I was in grass up to my tits in a perfect circle clearing of Aspen trees which was beside a creek, so it was perfect to set camp. I was there for about two and a half weeks by the time 'it' happened, so by now I knew the local animals and the dogs knew the area.

 One night, on a full moon, I crawled into my tent and the two dogs fell asleep by my legs. As I was falling asleep, with my eyes still closed, I could see the shine as if it were headlights pointed right at my tent. Not even a dirt bike could get to where I was, so I leaned up and of course nothing was there and the dogs laid fast asleep. So I laid back down and again realized right when dozing off more lights came and I opened my eyes fast before I sat up. I saw purple, turquoise and normal/whitish lights through my tent just as my eyes opened but nothing was there outside.

I said "whassat?" To the dogs but they were conked out. So to satisfy my disbelief I got out of my tent to see if I could see the moon, maybe that would explain the lights. Well I had to walk all the way to the creek to get strong light from the moon shine. Then I realized when I got back to the tent the dogs didnt get up, and when I crawled in and zipped the tent up, one dog opened his one eye but that was it. So I jumped back in bed and dozed off.

 I got to fall asleep then woke up to the feeling of a right hand pressing perfectly against the back of my head through my tent. I shot up and said "What the fuck!?" The dogs were still sleeping hard as I just sat up for a second and looked around and listened. I didn't hear anything so I laid back down and fell asleep.

 Now, my dreams that night, were the kind of dreams that yourè aware that you dreaming (lucid). I tried to wake up, and could even smell my surroundings of the tent and felt the dogs on my legs but I just couldn't wake up (open my eyes). I remember while being in that state and seeing all brightness, I felt a thin, branchy like finger touching my lower right hip and (this is where I get teased) I honestly think I was probed, because the feeling was like I was being sodomized but it would swell and shrink. There was growling and I remember I saw what it was they were poking me with. There was a shadow and could sort of see a longish wide head, but not over-sized like "typical aliens". They had a dark grey skin, thin arms and had what looked like some sort of a jacket thing on.

The whole time I remember being stuck in my own head basically and clenching my jaw as hard as I could with my eyes shut, in crunching pain. When I woke up, I was in fetal position making the same face, and the sun was shining. I had to shake the dogs to wake up.

 And thats what happened. Something I couldn`t ever forget and don't care if no one believes me cuz I know what happened and it`s not something to nice to remember. `

I even pooped funny for two days...`

Wednesday 5 August 2015

OPERATION PAPERCLIP - The nazis move to the US via CIA and NASA

After WWII ended in 1945, victorious Russian and American intelligence teams began a treasure hunt throughout occupied Germany for military and scientific booty. They were looking for things like new rocket and aircraft designs, medicines, and electronics.

But they were also hunting down the most precious "spoils" of all: the scientists whose work had nearly won the war for Germany. The engineers and intelligence officers of the Nazi War Machine. The U.S. Military rounded up Nazi scientists and brought them to America. It had originally intended merely to debrief them and send them back to Germany. But when it realized the extent of the scientists knowledge and expertise, the War Department decided it would be a waste to send the scientists home.

Following the discovery of flying discs (foo fighters), particle/laser beam weaponry in German military bases, the War Department decided that NASA and the CIA must control this technology, and the Nazi engineers that had worked on this technology.

Author Annie Jacobsen presents a fascinating topic from her new book, Operation Paperclip, and takes questions from the audience. This event was recorded February 26, 2014 at Politics & Prose bookstore in Washington, D.C.

Operation Paperclip was the codename under which the US intelligence and military services extricated scientists from Germany, during and after the final stages of World War II. The project was originally called Operation Overcast, and is sometimes also known as Project Paperclip.

 Of particular interest were scientists specializing in aerodynamics and rocketry (such as those involved in the V-1 and V-2 projects), chemical weapons, chemical reaction technology and medicine. These scientists and their families were secretly brought to the United States, without State Department review and approval. Their service for Hitler's Third Reich, NSDAP and SS memberships, as well as the classification of many as war criminals or security threats, also disqualified them from officially obtaining visas.

The majority of the scientists, numbering almost 500, were deployed at White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico, Fort Bliss, Texas and Huntsville, Alabama to work on guided missile and ballistic missile technology. This in turn led to the foundation of NASA and the US ICBM program.

"BOB DEAN - An officer and a gentleman"

Phoenix, Arizona, May 2007
We have met many remarkable people in the course of our work for Project Camelot, but meeting Bob Dean was one of our greatest privileges. As an elder statesman he is charming, eloquent and dignified, and we are proud to present this as what may be one of our most memorable interviews.

 In Part One, Bob shares with us his knowledge of the UFO phenomenon and what he encountered while working at SHAPE in Europe in the 1960s: an inch and a half thick detailed official report on the extraterrestrial 'problem' called at that time simply "The Assessment". Having the clearance to have free access to the document, he read it and re-read it many times, and he tells us how that changed his life. Later, after retiring from the military, he made the courageous decision to defy his Oath of Secrecy and began to speak publicly about what he had learned.

 In Part Two of the interview, Bob tells us that this is probably his last interview... and having done so, he pauses, takes a deep breath, and reveals on record for the first time that he has been contacted, and has been on board the craft.

Monday 3 August 2015

"THE COLLAPSE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM" - Animation. This is great.

The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation.
American Dream - You have to be asleep to believe it.

PRINCESS DIANA - Banned documentary

"Unlawful killing of Princess Diana"


"Independent Media Solidarity is a loose knit group of independent journalists that have come together to tackle the issue of Sandy Hook. We are normal people with normal lives, who have families, children, and jobs. Although many of us haven't physically met each other, we are united. All we seek are answers to the many inconsistencies. But most importantly, we just want the truth made available to all who might seek it."

"MADNESS IN THE FAST LANE" - Super-soldier clones?

Some are claiming this is evidence caught on tape of a telepathic super-soldier cloning program. BBC filming for a police documentary capture on video.

Twins hit on the M6 Motorway in the UK.
Two Swedish women run into traffic on the motorway in the UK in 2008. The first woman gets hit by a transport truck and the second woman gets hit and thrown by a car, both surviving with minor injuries. Second woman goes on to murder somebody two days later, then jumps from a bridge...

A rather unbelievable account of events with actual footage.

Saturday 1 August 2015


An updated version of one of the best 9/11 documentaries made to date

Third release of the series

A follow up to the series.



From the Colorado state seal to the Dark Knight Aurora theater shooting. We can all agree that something strange is going on at the Denver New World Airport (DIA) but is Colorado the Illuminati New World Order headquarters?

JOHN LEAR discussions

With special emphasis on the Bob Lazar saga - as only John can tell it - we cover the inconsistencies in the 911 theories and why as a world renowned pilot he is uniquely qualified to judge just what kind of planes, if any, hit the World Trade Center (answer, none: John explains why they were holograms); why the moon's gravity may be as much as 64% that of the Earth's, and could retain a very thin atmosphere; how Ben Rich, the former Director of the Lockheed Skunk Works, was a Mossad agent; the location of the "new Area 51", called Sandia, deep within the Nevada desert; what really happened at Above Top Secret, an internet forum where he was attacked and which he has subsequently left... and much more.

 There's nothing here about 2012 or 'Planet X' - both of which John dismisses - but we think you will be entertained and fascinated by the reported detailed experiences and opinions of someone who deserves to be respected and admired for his courage, character, and maverick commitment to revealing what he believes is the truth.


This new documentary explores the secrecy surrounding the greatest cover-up of all time, presenting an overview of the UFO phenomenon, aliens, abductions, disclosure, and hyperdimensional realities


ET invasion has already occurred and governments do not want us to know. An interesting interview with the granddaughter of former US president Dwight D. Eisenhower.

"THIRD REICH - OPERATION UFO (Nazi base in Antartica)"

The film explores the historical mysteries and rumours of a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, the 1947 flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd's ill-fated 'Operation Highjump' expedition and the occult origins of Third Reich anti-gravity engines, flying discs and ancient Atlantean technologies viewed through the lens of perhaps the three most mysterious twentieth century German organisations of all: the 'Thule Society, 'Vril Society' and the 'Ahnenerbe'.

One of the core themes of the film is the alleged existence of 'Base 211', the legendary underground Nazi base in the Antarctica. Drawing upon the pre-war Nazi interest in Antarctica and the creation of 'New Swabia'; the testimony of German U-Boat submarine commanders and the alleged disappearance of thousands of Nazi scientists and engineers at the end of the war, personnel that cannot be accounted for by the Vatican and Odessa 'rat lines' or American 'Operation Paperclip' activities.

In addition, the film analyses the actual geo-physical possibilities of an underground base in Antarctica. The other core theme is the alleged existence of a Nazi flying saucer program and the many evidential strands that this area generates. From the supposed channeling of extraterrestrial engineering schematics by members of the German occult group 'Thule Society' in the early part of the twentieth century to the 'implosion engine' of Viktor Schauberger and its possible appropriation by the Third Reich.

 Bringing us to the the latter part of the twentieth century the documentary illustrates the many sightings of unknown crafts around the Antartic region and the theoretical basis for polar wormholes as entrance and exit points for visiting extraterrestrial spaceships and the possible involvement of HAARP, as well as asking why nearly all American Antarctic bases seem to be populated by agents of the National Security Agency and CIA.

Like the study of any phenomena and/or events that exist at the edges of consensus reality, occupy imaginal realms and are subject to historical revisionism; the interface of myth and reality is a shifting mosaic of fact, speculation, disinformation and fantasy, or to use the phrase of head CIA counter-intelligence spook, James Jesus Angleton, we have entered a "wilderness of mirrors".

 Certainly there are elements in the documentary that give cause for concern such as the alleged "Special Bureau 13", the Nazi secret flying saucer research group and its similarity to the top secret government agency in the early eighties role playing game "Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic " (though equally the RPG title could be an insider homage to this secret Nazi organisation). Likewise, there is the lack of information on the existence of the US Navy destroyer 'Murdoch' in the testimony recounted by pilot 'John Sireson' in his description of the flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd's fleet (testimony taken from an interview by the late pioneering American researcher Leonard Stringfield).

 Equally, the testimony of Admiral Byrd that flying saucers attacked the 'Operation Highjump' fleet is of historical record as is his testimony to Congress of enemies that have the ability to fly "pole to pole". Likewise, the creation of 'New Swabia' is as much a historical fact as the 'impossible' existence of the 'Piri Reis' map.

 What sets this documentary apart from most others of its kind is the inclusion of high ranking Russian scientists and military personnel and their testimony should not be discounted.

"THRIVE - What On Earth Will It Take?"

Corporations, energy, government, et's... it's all connected. This documentary has many relevant things to say.

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.


The Day Before Disclosure is a film documenting the growing awareness and the build up to what can potentially be the single, most important event in human history -- the day the UFO and ET presence becomes a world wide accepted reality.

 This is the story of the witnesses that were laughed at, the researchers and reporters that weren't believed and the governmental and military personnel that were sworn to silence. A story that alters the foundation of everything you thought you knew, and takes you along for a ride all the way from the darkest abyss of living nightmares, through to the brightest hope for the future of humanity.






Billy Meier says real Aliens do exist - tells the truth about Pleiadian flying saucers, an authentic video tape on the Pleiadian Semjase Beamship and time travel photos from Eduard Meiers.
He has been able to produce photographs, UFO film footage, beamship sound recordings and even beamship metal samples as UFO evidence of his visitations.

Michael Horn has been researching the Billy Meier UFO Contacts for over 25 years and is now the authorized representative for the book on the Meier case, and 'Yet They Fly'.
Though he has long been fascinated with the amazing photos, films, and other still irreproducible physical evidence, Michael's main focus since 1988 has been on Meier's prophetically accurate scientific and world event-related information.


Based on the book "The Phoenix Lights - A Skeptic's Discovery That We Are Not Alone" by Lynne D. Kitei M.D. After seven years of meticulous research, she is coming forward with stunning data and personal interviews in this documentary, an in depth examination of the strange lights seen over Phoenix and throughout Arizona on March 13th, 1997.

"OUT OF THE BLUE - Feature Film"

"The weirdest thing about the documentary OUT OF THE BLUE is how weird it isn't." - TV Guide

"...methodically lays out out an argument that something is out there." - Associated Press

"OUT OF THE BLUE emerges as one of the very best films ever produced on this, one of the most interesting in the history of science." - Skeptic Magazine

OUT OF THE BLUE is widely considered one of the best documentary films ever made about UFOs and was directed by celebrated filmmakers James Fox, Tim Coleman and Boris Zubov. The films producers traveled around the world to investigate some of the most famous UFO events on record. Through exclusive interviews with high-ranking military and government personnel, this award-winning film supports the theory that some UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin.

 This film features Governor Fife Symington, Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Russian General Leonid Aleviev, President Jimmy Carter, Cosmonaut Major General Pavel Popovich, UK Admiral Lord Hill Norton, Physics Professor Dr. Brian Greene, President Gerald Ford, Astronaut Colonel Gordon Cooper. White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, and many more.

"OUT OF THE BLUE - Press Conference"

At the National Press Club in Washington D.C., an unprecedented gathering of top military and government officials from around the world met live before members of the press to present to the public alarming facts about UFOs and an extraterrestrial presence now engaging the planet Earth.

In attendance for this shocking, Earth shattering event includes:
former Governor of Arizona - Fife Symington; Belgian Airforce Major General, Ret. - Wilfried De Brouwer; Engineer, Astronomer and Astrophysicist - Dr. Claude Poher; Captain, Air France, Ret. - Jean-Charles Duboc; French Astrophysicist - Dr. Jean-Claude Ribes; General, Iranian Airforce, Ret. - Parviz Jafari; Captain, Army of Chile - Rodrigo Bravo Garrido; Commander, Peruvian Airforce, Ret. Oscar Santa Maria Huertas; Founding Member of the Peruvian Airforce Office of Investigation of Anomalous Ariel Phenomena (OIFAA) - Dr. Anthony Choy; Captain, Aurigny Airlines, UK - Ray Bowyer; Officer, British Ministry of Defense, Ret. - Nick Pope; Sgt. United States Airforce, Ret. - James Penniston; Col. United States Airforce, Ret. - Charles Halt; and Division Chief of the Accident Evaluations and Investigations Division of the FAA, Washington D.C., Ret. - John Callahan.

"I KNOW WHAT I SAW" - YOU are not alone...

"Compelling" - Steven Spielberg, filmmaker.
"The real Close Encounters" - Larry King, CNN.
"The most compelling film on the subject to date" - Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut.

Government and Military Officials reveal the truth about UFOs. The most credible UFO witnesses from around the world tell stories that challenge reality in a documentary guaranteed to change the way we see the universe.

Director James Fox brings together the testimony of Air Force generals, astronauts, military and commercial pilots, government and FAA officials from seven countries; their accounts reveal the reasons those involved at the highest levels have chosen government secrecy over public disclosure in I KNOW WHAT I SAW.


To explore, investigate, and share the information, theories, and knowledge that is out there regarding our world among others. 
Years of researching has brought me to collect information and take part in a discussion that is necessary to have.

As humans, from the beginning of life we're programmed to absorb and believe everything we hear, and learn as we get older of deception and miscommunication. We once accepted our information from the television, radio and newsprint media until we became privy to the scripted rhetoric that had molded our society. In this age, instant skepticism with many foreign and 'inane' concepts is becoming normal, and reality, or the truth, must be sought over examining a vast amount of the information submitted. 

It's important to go into this without judgement. I don't feel we need to come to conclusions, or subscribe to believing one notion or another, but can rather observe and contemplate every submission relevant to form a personal opinion. 

There's a lot of folks saying a lot of wild stuff out there... but once you start turning over the stones, a giant story reveals greater mysteries than you could ever imagine. The information is out there for those who seek it but it's not going to be brought to you on the evening news.
By a long shot.