Saturday 8 August 2015

PERSONAL ACCOUNTS - "Alpha One grid sighting" Vancouver Island

Sent in by 'Alpha One'

"First I see something that looks like a shooting star. But it had white at the front, brown and orange in the middle, and flames coming out the back. It was a triangle shape. Left a huge streak of smoke across the sky. It was going so fast. And it didn't enter the atmosphere it kept going around, I saw it for a long time.

Then about eight individual lights all came out of nowhere and crossed each other making a grid in one part of the sky. Then an individual blinking light played mind games with me. When I literally said out loud "OK what the fuck is that?" It all disappeared. didn't burn up, it sped up and kept going. It seemed like it started going faster after it passed by. The grid was like stars came to life and crisscrossed, ending it perfect unison. They went so fast that they left trails of light behind them for a short moment. Just long enough to see the grid. Never seen anything like it.

The blinking light is similar to other experiences I've had. It looked like a satellite. It was way out in space. But it would blink erratically to get my attention. As soon as I would set my gaze on it, it would begin to blink with rhythm. Then disappear, and reappear erratically sparking in another part of the sky. What caught my attention was that it would switch back again to a steady rhythm, didn't fall off course. And it would only move when I wasn't looking at it."

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