Saturday, 1 August 2015


To explore, investigate, and share the information, theories, and knowledge that is out there regarding our world among others. 
Years of researching has brought me to collect information and take part in a discussion that is necessary to have.

As humans, from the beginning of life we're programmed to absorb and believe everything we hear, and learn as we get older of deception and miscommunication. We once accepted our information from the television, radio and newsprint media until we became privy to the scripted rhetoric that had molded our society. In this age, instant skepticism with many foreign and 'inane' concepts is becoming normal, and reality, or the truth, must be sought over examining a vast amount of the information submitted. 

It's important to go into this without judgement. I don't feel we need to come to conclusions, or subscribe to believing one notion or another, but can rather observe and contemplate every submission relevant to form a personal opinion. 

There's a lot of folks saying a lot of wild stuff out there... but once you start turning over the stones, a giant story reveals greater mysteries than you could ever imagine. The information is out there for those who seek it but it's not going to be brought to you on the evening news.
By a long shot.

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